Sunday, July 21, 2013

Boot Camp

Yes, I actually mean real boot camp. Sorta.

See, last weekend My family, Novel and I all went down to Fort Benning in Georgia to celebrate Brother #1's "Turning Blue" ceremony and his *ahem* second graduation from Boot Camp. But it's not like he flunked it the first time or anything. To put it really simply, he is changing his MOS and so they made him go through boot camp again.

The point is, we all had gobs of fun with all of us (or at least most of us) together in one place again. Novel, of course, LOVED getting to see my little nephews, and got lots of good practice working around large crowds of people and people in uniform carrying guns, rucksacks, etc. All in all it was a really great trip. Mostly because my family is just so stinkin awesome.

I don't really have a lot more to say on the subject, but I do have some pictures so please enjoy:
Here's Novel simply being adorable.

The "Turning Blue" Ceremony

He loves his daddy :)

This was part of a very cool tactical demonstration during graduation.
It's kinda hard to explain but there was lots of gunfire and smoke and Novel handled it all
without hardly batting an eyelash.

See? eyes are wide open.
Brother #1 is in this picture somewhere but I couldn't tell you where.

My adorable Nephew clapping for his daddy while Novel keeps an eye on him

Gazing with interest at the "festivities"

Sometimes brothers just have to be brothers...:

Poor Sister #2 had to miss out on all the fun, but seriously, my siblings are the BEST.

Yep. They sure are.

And my puppy is pretty fabulous too.

Novel and the Nephew are the best of friends :)

And we even got to ride in the back of the pickup truck on the way home...
We had a bit of a snuggle fest.

I love this dude!!

Congrats Bro. We're proud of you.

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