Abbi the Dog

Name: "Abishag's Foxy Tricks" aka. "Abbi"
Breed: Border Collie/Husky/possibly German Shepherd mix
Color: Black and White
Age: 7 years
History: Rescued from the shelter at 11 weeks old. Has had training in AKC obedience and Rally, Agility, Tracking, Herding, and innumerable tricks.
Personality: Independent, reserved, intelligent
    Certified Therapy Dog with TD Inc.
    Canine Good Citizen
    Registered with AKC Canine Partners

Meet Abbi. She is Novel's older sister and absolute idol. (Unfortunately, the worship doesn't go both ways) Abbi is very much her own dog; that is, she doesn't need people, or attention, or other dogs, or affirmation in order to be perfectly content. Quiet, reserved and shy, she strolls about like a queen indulgently surveying her subjects, always acutely aware of her surroundings. Also extremely athletic, Abbi enjoys "extreme sports" such as Kayaking, Rock Climbing, and Trail Running, and she has been known to climb trees. She is an excellent swimmer and loves Frisbee and soccer. Her agility and uncanny intelligence have earned her the nickname "Little Black Fox," but most people who meet her for the first time simply refer to her as "That really cool dog."

Every now and then, however, her "Ultra Cool" exterior cracks a little to reveal a glimpse of a soft, sensitive, loving, loyal heart. I see it in a glance, a happy flip of her tail, the simple act of leaving her bed to lay beside me instead for a few minutes. Normally frustrated by being fussed over and petted, she is indulgent with children. Although totally uninterested in playing with other dogs, she has put up with endless harassment by Novel with no more than the occasional lifting of a lip. Ambushed, Tackled, Stolen from, Pushed out of the way, Chewed on? No biggie. She simply gets up and moves, or calmly ignores him. 

Abbi has taught me more than any teacher ever could about dog training...about life...about myself. I wouldn't be the person I am today without her, and for that, I will be forever grateful. I love you my dear little fox!

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