Me the Human

Name: Katherine Scheiman
Breed: Caucasian
Color: Sort of a tan-ish yellowish peachy skin color...most likely because I'm covered in skin.
Age: 19
History: Born in WV, began life in VA, lived most of life in WI, now lives in TN
Personality: Introverted, Animal lover, Happy, Active. 
Accomplishments/Awards: ....I'm not real big on bragging on myself :P I will however, humbly mention that I have completed elementary school...and middle school...and high school...and 2 years of college...and I have a job.

I really love life. I just do. I love the things that life lets you do, but just speeding over a jump on a snowboard and just barely sticking the landing. Or accidentally doing a belly flop into the water off of a rope swing twenty feet high. Or going swimming in 30 degree weather. Or playing Hockey with epic intensity. Or trail running until your body is literally ready to give out. Or riding a horse until you can't walk the next day. Or walking for hours and hours and hours, alone in the silent woods. 

Or serving your God even when other people don't think it makes sense. 

Or pouring your life into a dog, only to give him away to someone who needs him more than you do. 

Yes, I really love life. I love to savor every experience, good and bad, pain and pleasure. Because I believe that joy can be most fully appreciated only after one has experienced true sorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with the "riding a horse until you can't walk the next day" stament.
