Novel isn't really a dog
Nope. Shocking as it may sound, he is not, in fact, canine. He is actually a kangaroo. Naturally, as there aren't many kangaroos in this part of the world, Novel tends to feel a little out of place sometimes. The fact that he supposedly comes from the best of service dog parents only makes matters worse...he sees himself as the proverbial "ugly duckling." Now be honest, how can you blame him? How much tolerance do you think the service dog community really has for kangaroos?
Novel tries so hard to fit in with the dog community, but you know, when you are a kangaroo, those bouncing genes are buried deep in your DNA and it can be hard to repress them. Novel does a marvelous job with it, but in those moments when he forgets to really concentrate on it, they tend to slip out.
Despite this slight hiccup, Novel still aspires to follow in the paw prints of his ancestors to one day become a great Now that he has revealed his secret, he is willing to release footage either in the form of video or photograph to prove his true identity. The only problem is, we don't exactly have any footage of that...exactly. Of course, I'll get right on that...
Disclaimer: This post was written as a joke, and is not meant to be taken literally. No, Novel is not literally a kangaroo. The term actually refers to his truly uncanny ability to jump in place, all four feet at the same time, to astonishing heights when excited, and other tendencies toward bouncing in general.