Thursday, September 27, 2012


Novel has something he would like to tell you all. He isn't particularly proud of it, but I have finally convinced him that it is time to come clean about it. You see, Novel has been keeping a very deep secret:

Novel isn't really a dog

Nope. Shocking as it may sound, he is not, in fact, canine. He is actually a kangaroo. Naturally, as there aren't many kangaroos in this part of the world, Novel tends to feel a little out of place sometimes. The fact that he supposedly comes from the best of service dog parents only makes matters worse...he sees himself as the proverbial "ugly duckling." Now be honest, how can you blame him? How much tolerance do you think the service dog community really has for kangaroos? 

Novel tries so hard to fit in with the dog community, but you know, when you are a kangaroo, those bouncing genes are buried deep in your DNA and it can be hard to repress them. Novel does a marvelous job with it, but in those moments when he forgets to really concentrate on it, they tend to slip out. 

Despite this slight hiccup, Novel still aspires to follow in the paw prints of his ancestors to one day become a great Now that he has revealed his secret, he is willing to release footage either in the form of video or photograph to prove his true identity. The only problem is, we don't exactly have any footage of that...exactly. Of course, I'll get right on that...

Disclaimer: This post was written as a joke, and is not meant to be taken literally. No, Novel is not literally a kangaroo. The term actually refers to his truly uncanny ability to jump in place, all four feet at the same time, to astonishing heights when excited, and other tendencies toward bouncing in general.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Puppy raisers

Ok my fellow puppy raisers, I have a quick question. Lately I have been feeling a bit unworthy to be raising this pup called Novel. Ok, a lot unworthy. You know, you just worry that you are doing a good enough job. After all, raising a service dog is a pretty big responsibility...we're talking a potentially $45,000 dog that will hopefully end up being responsible for changing someone's life. Oh, yeah, no pressure. So I've kinda been in the blues about this know, wondering if I'm doing Novel justice. My question is, do you all ever feel this way? Or is it just my overly competitive self feeling like I have to over-perform? 
Just for the sake of being more interesting...
Because pictures make everything more interesting :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

8 months

Novel is 8 months old today. I just can't stop thinking "How can he be 8 months old??!" It was just the other day that he was a wrinkly little puppy peeing in the airport wasn't it?

Top: 1st day (approx. 13 weeks old...yes,
I got Novel a little older than most pups)
Bottom: 8 months old
Novel has grown into a very handsome dog. He is not quite as big as I was expecting him to get though. At about 60 pounds, he is a nice, manageable size. Sure, he has some filling out to do, but I really don't think he is going to get much bigger.

Ever since school has started at the end of August, I have had much less time for outings with him, and he only comes to work with me 2 days a week, so he has been spending a bit more time at home recently. Honestly, I think it has been good for him. I have heard that one of the main reasons dogs fail is for separation anxiety, and for a little while there at the beginning of August, he was pretty attached to me. (some say that was because he heard me talking about neutering him, and he was simply scared to death, but that's debatable) Anyway, in the past few weeks, Novel has gotten to be pretty comfortable with being alone. Poor guy.

I THINK that Novel might be starting to actually grow up. He seems to be slowly learning to calm down. (*knocks on wood) Now, don't get me wrong...he still gets the zoomies and has a huge amount of Potential energy, ("Potential energy: The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors." If Novel's "position relative to others" is "close to other dogs," "Stresses within itself" are "Hungry," or "other factors" include "an off-limits item in his mouth" His potential energy approaches that of an atomic bomb) but he does seem to finally be grasping the concept of self-control... occasionally

In honor of his 8 month birthday, Here are 8 things I've noticed about Novel:

1. He. is a very. happy. dog. He loves everything. He loves most things a little too much.
2. He LOVES to hold things in his mouf. Espesaly big, fwuffy things.
3. He loves to make figure eights around legs. Something he will have to learn to stop!
4. He loves to work. and he works hard. When he is working, every. muscle. in his body. is focused on his job. He might even be a little too focused.
5. He loves food. He loves food. Oh, you didn't hear me? Novel loves food. And he eats it too fast at meal times. And he's getting faster. This month he threw up after eating 3 times so far. That's a record for him. Probably a record he's proud of too....
6. When Novel learns a new command, it becomes his favorite command for an indefinite amount of time. And he tries to do it every time I give any command. This can be a problem sometimes. (it really wasn't very fun with "Speak" at all. But he is getting better about that now)
7. Novel broke a glass with his tail the other day. A very lab-ish thing to do. Calm down buddy!
8. Novel is THE. messiest drinker I have ever witnessed. He sticks his whole nose in the water and then half sucks, half laps, and half just randomly flops his head around. every time. (and yes, I know that was three halfs. Novel always does everything at least 150%) And then he lifts up his head, literal rivers of water still flowing from his lips, and walks in circles around the room. Then, depending on just how much water he got on the floor, he will either lay in it, or splash in it and drink it off the floor. (see illustration below)

ok, ok, I just have to say one more
9. Novel went on a 10.4 mile very steep hike on Sunday. Carrying a backpack. And guess what? He actually acted a tiny bit tired at the end! No pics. Sorry.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pilot Mt. NC

Novel went camping with us over Labor day weekend!
Yep, that's me on the ground setting up the tent BY MYSELF while everyone else stands around watching...
Considering that included living about 100 yards from a beautiful pond for 2 days, he was pretty thrilled.
Can we go play now? In da water? Pweeeeaaase???
Our campsite also offered us with a beautiful view of Pilot Mt.
Also, on Saturday he got to hike Pilot Mt. with the fam! ...well part of the fam anyway. It was just me and three of my sibs. (out of five) but it's still fam :) You know, I should do a post introducing my fam to the nebulous strangers out there that my stats say read my blog. (hello nebulous strangers...did you know I like comments? Yeah, comments are even if you don't have anything to say, introduce yourself or something) Anyway, it's a pretty fabulous fam. Wow I've gotten of on some crazy tangents. Back to the point...
"Novel the Noble" (or "Novel the Nutty"?) on top of Pilate Mt.
Novel did glorious on the Mountain! I mean, he was beautiful! It was pretty crowded with plenty of kids and other dogs running around and such, but Novel handled it all like a pro...well almost. I can't say he was perfect, but he was pretty darn good. He made a few friends, and left with more than a few admirers. Ya know, there's just something about that goofy, lovable, and yet "oh so serious" personality of his....and the adorable yellow "working dog" cape doesn't hurt either :)
Ok, now be honest: What's prettier, the view or the dog?
Novel did some "rock climbing" while we were there as well. He got some really good work in on the "jump" command. Considering his usual goofball self, I was actually surprised how good he was at clambering around on Rocks. I keep thinking that if he ends up not making it as a service dog, he would probably do really well as a search and rescue dog. Sure on his feet, endless energy, a HIGH drive to work, and a top rate nose (that he "knows" how to use)? sounds like a recipe for success to me.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of the pics. from Pilot Mt.
I's ma buddy!
He's such a goon!
He was actually quite high up in this picture. He had to do a bunch of good "jumps" to get up here :)
Two of my sibs on the same rock Novel was on in the previous pic.
This place is just so COOL looking!
And this is my crazy sister. Who decided to go on the hike on crutches with a sprained knee. ha.
Somehow my bro always manages to find things to do...
...that us girls just can't quite manage. 
Please let me try! Please let me try! I'm a boy! I just KNOW I can do it!
See that little red speck? Yeah, that's my brother.
Novel did the cutest "catwalk" along this wall. He "jumped" up here without any help, and was even able to turn around on it, but couldn't manage going on it much faster than a walk.
Know what's really amazing about this picture? There are no other people in it!! Honestly, this place was crowded!