Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Vacuum Cleaner

It strikes terror into the heart of lesser dogs.

When it emerges from it's den, Abbi flees.

When it roars, she curls into a ball and shivers, tail between her legs.

Not Novel.

He charges forth into battle, fearing nothing. Spinning, dancing, pouncing, weaving, bouncing, he attacks the noisy sucking metal monster.

It grabs him. It sucks at his ears, his tail, his tongue

Suddenly, Novel realizes....THIS IS FUN!!!

Can it suck other body parts as well? How about my paw?

Novel has found a new favorite toy.

Watch a video of him playing with the vacuum here:


  1. Hahaha! This is hilarious! I'm glad I got to witness his antics with the vacuum cleaner firsthand...but the way you wrote about it had me in stitches all over again. Definitely the first dog I've ever known to LOVE getting his tongue sucked up the vacuum cleaner tube. What a "novel" idea!

  2. Oh Novel! You are the first pup I have ever seen "play" with a vacuum.
