Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ice Cubes and Tunnels

Novel loves Ice cubes. Especially on hot days like today.

In his mind, the cool kitchen floor with a nice cold ice cube to spread around and make it even colder is perfection.
He likes posing for pictures too. He'll lay there and look right at the camera, wait for me to take a picture, and the change his position and pause again for another picture. It's exactly like he is saying, "oh how about one of me like this?" :) Such a silly little man.
Of course, sometimes he just wiggles around with his ice cube...that's what burst mode on the camera is good for ;)

On another note, Novel learned about tunnels today. It's a little challenging for me to find enough stimulating and NEW experiences for Novel, and it has forced me to become more creative. Today his dog food bag subed for a short agility tunnel. Boy did he like that -- "Dog food flavored tunnel!" 


  1. Oh my word, picture # 2 on this post has got to be the cutest puppy picture EVER! Seriously, you should enter this into a contest...or paint it! Or at least post it on Novel's fb page.

  2. Our dog love ice cubes too.
